Is your building better BECAUSE you lead it?
The energy in the room was contagious as Principal Kafele challenged us to look in the mirror as a leader. Initially, I felt intimidated. I was sitting in a large ballroom full of successful individuals: Principals, Superintendents, and Central Office people...and me, a teacher leader. Was I in the right session? But as Kafele continued to share, I realized I needed the message as much as any other individual in the room. We were challenged to ask ourselves these questions: What is my leadership identity? What is my leadership mission? What is my leadership purpose? What is my leadership vision?
I was humbled when I realized that I did not, easily, have answers. I am not a decision maker in our building. I am a teacher leader. I am a support person. Did I really need to know my thoughts on these questions? Simply...yes. Because the answer to these questions have been the breath to my lungs whenever situations have gotten difficult.
“Because the answer to these questions have been the breath to my lungs whenever situations have gotten difficult. ”
I was humbled when I realized that I did not, easily, have answers. I am not a decision maker in our building. I am a teacher leader. I am a support person. Did I really need to know my thoughts on these questions? Simply...yes. Because the answer to these questions have been the breath to my lungs whenever situations have gotten difficult over the last week. Vision, mission, why...those are like a shot of adrenaline to the leader who is weary.
What is my leadership identity?
I am an advocate. I see justice a moral imperative. I believe in the idealized power of education. I also live in the reality that our educational systems are not set up to engage all students and provide every child the opportunity to succeed. While I cannot fix every injustice within an educational system, I have to believe in my ability to positively impact the world around me. "When you know better, you do better." Being an instructional leader means that I get to share a lot and learn even more as work with the incredible teachers and administrators of Nevada to provide the best educational opportunities for all of our students.
What is my leadership mission?
I want to delve into deep personal and professional development in order provide all of my students with the best learning environment possible and support my colleagues as they do the same because I believe education, when done properly, can open doors that otherwise seemed closed.
What is my leadership purpose?
I work with incredible educators who want to achieve great things with their students. I also know my colleagues are often nearing capacity. My role is to come alongside my peers and make growth accessible given the immense demands of teaching.
What is my leadership vision?
In 2 years NMS will have an established structure of coaching and supports that will meet teachers where they are at as they engage students in the best learning environment we can possibly provide.
I am beyond excited about this vision. I had some HUGE revelations at ASCD that are already impacting our coaching plans for 2018-2019. I cannot wait to share the entire vision with all of you soon.
Vision, mission, why...those are like a shot of adrenaline to the leader who is weary. your building better BECAUSE you lead it? If you have a moment, share your responses to the questions below. I would love to connect with you around them.