Can you help me find ________________?

Am I the only one that geeks out on research? Journals, blogs, videos, twitter, newspapers, name it. I LOVE to comb through it to find something valuable. Unfortunately, my reality as a classroom teacher was that there was never enough time to really delve into the way that I wanted. I think that is why I love hearing, "Can you help find information about ___________?" as an instructional guide. Like someone from a cartoon detective show, you can bet "I'm on it!" After all, supporting others is what I am all about!

I like to start places that I know have a broad range of information. Here are two of my go-to starting points:

  1. Educational Leadership by the ASCD- I love this publication because it mailing is centered around a topic. If a teacher is interested in personalized learning, teaching citizenship, alternate grading practices, inclusivity, etc. I know that Educational Leadership likely has a publication on the topic which makes for a great starting point. 
  2. AMLE Magazine by the AMLE- As a middle school instructional guide, a grade level specific publication gets at the needs of my staff because let's face it...middle schoolers are weird (and so are those who choose to teach them ;))

**An honorable mention goes to EdWeek and Edutopia. I can find great things at both of these sources, but I find myself having to sift through for best a practice a little bit more. 

If the teacher is hoping for something more content specific, I am always impressed with the journals published by the professional organizations related to the content like the NSTA or NCTE examples: The Science Teacher or English Education

If I am still not finding enough information...then I go to twitter and google because the access to professional knowledge is out of this world through both of those sources. I am amazed that simple questions can yield amazing results as we connect with others. 

What are your favorite resources? Please share ideas below!