10 Expectations of Students: Strategies to increase student engagement and personalization
1. Where do you see some of these "expectations" already present in your classroom?
2. Where do you see some of these "expectations" already present in our district?
3. What is was one way that you can apply an "expectation" of students in your classroom?
10 Ways to Empower Your Students
1. Where do you see some of these "empowerments" already present in your classroom?
2. Where do you see some of these "empowerments" already present in our district?
3. What is was one way that you can apply an "empowerments" of students in your classroom?
Inquiry-based Learning: Student Driven Questions
1. Where might you apply the strategy of student-driven questions in your instruction?
2. Teachers create the line of inquiry. What is a line of inquiry you could create?
Supporting English Language Learners With Digital Storytelling
1. What did you take away from the three tips for engaging ELLs?
2. How might you implement these ideas in your space/context?
Wait Time
Article: Wait Time Can Make or Break Your Lesson
1. Wait time is a well-documented skill that improves instruction, yet one that easily dissipates in the process of managing time. What did you read that stood out to you about wait time's value?
2. What is one strategy you could use to improve your pause after a question or between student response?